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Sun Chemical Introduces Flexible Packaging Printing Process

The Future of Printed Electronics

At Printed Electronics Europe 2006, it was revealed that inorganic electronic inks and materials are becoming more important.

Flnt ink and XSYS Announce New Name

Flint Group is the new name for the holding company created by the merger of XSYS Print Solutions, Luxembourg, and Flint Ink Corp., which took place in late 2005.

MetalFX Wins Award

MetalFX has been named the New Product of the Year by the United Kingdom's Growing Business Awards.

INX Offers MetalFX Inks

INX Intl. has signed up as an official MetalFX ink maker. The company now offers inks compatible with the MetalFX process.

COF in Printed Packaging

Automatic packaging operations require a specific range of lubricity to process packaging products. Printing inks contribute to the package lubricity and affect both the static as well as kinetic coefficient of friction (COF).

Odor & Exempt Solvents

Requirements for low odor in flexible packaging change as new materials are introduced in printing and laminating operations. Retained solvent is the primary odor concern of the printer and converter, and tight odor standards are maintained for printed and laminated structures.

A Look at Laminating Inks

Packaging inks come in all shapes and sizes and usually must meet unique performance requirements.

Which Ink for Which Substrate?

Every new ink project begins with an analysis of the substrate to be printed. In just minutes, the complexity of the project can be estimated from the surface tension characteristics of the substrate.

UV/EB a Bright Spot in Economy

Recent shortages of acrylic acid exemplify the problem of raw material supply and its impact on the price stability. Last year has seen various price increases in raw materials, and this trend is continuing into this year. As a result, it is anticipated raw material price fluctuations will negatively impact UV/EB products.

Evolving Ink Jet Technology

T he concept of forming droplets of liquid in a stream was studied by Lord Kelvin and Lord Rayleigh and other technologists as early as the late 1800s. However, it was not until 1951 that it was patented for the first practical ink jet device based on Rayleigh’s concept.

Water-Based Printing Inks & pH

In a water-based ink, many of the ink components contribute to the ink pH. For example, the common acrylic resins used in water-based inks are acidic. They are not soluble in water but are soluble when alkaline materials are added.

Inks, Coatings, Compliance

Packaging engineers are designing new products to meet the growing demand for food packaging items that can be prepared quickly and conveniently by the

New Inks Have a High IQ

Well, we've heard a lot about smart packaging, so it was inevitable such packaging would require intelligent inks. With current packaging development

The Latitudes of LEAN

Value-stream mapping is among the many lean-oriented actions your operation can take. But how do you navigate the swelling "lean" lexicon that's appearing on the converting industry horizon?

Unique Issues of Laminating Inks

One of the major advances in flexible packaging was the introduction of film laminated structures. Film lamination allowed different properties to be

Getting Better with Time

It wasn't too long ago water-based inks were thought of more as a solution to protecting the environment than a choice for high quality printing. But

Ink Jet PigmentsThe Land of the Small

If you've ever had your ink jet-printed copy get wet, you saw all the inks became soluble and you had a mess on your hands.

Why Manage Color?

Just as perception of color varies from one individual to the next, each device in the imaging workflow—input, display, output—relies on a different method to process colors.

Energy-Curable Inks

What is the state of UV/EB technology today, and where could it lead in the future? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

What Is the Role of Tack in Printing Inks?

Since the earliest attempts at transferring ink from one surface to another, the characteristics of a printing ink have been an important factor in print

A Lesson in Amines Used in Water-Based Products

One of the key ingredients of many water-based inks and coatings are amines. Amines and ammonia are used in water-based products to control pH required

Redefining Plasticizers in Inks and Coatings

The dictionary defines plasticizers as any of various substances added to plastics or other materials to keep them soft or pliable. For the purpose of

Focus on Crosslinking in Fluid Ink Systems

Crosslinkers are an important class of additives ink and coating formulators use to enhance properties. These materials must be selected carefully to

Dealing with Ink Adhesion on High-Slip Films

One of the most common problems with printing high-slip films is poor ink adhesion. Such films have low surface energies, and the levels of slip additives

NAPIM Survey Finds Printers Are Focused on Ink Performance on Press, Not on Price

America's packaging printers want their ink to perform on press as well or better than advertised. That's the key finding of a recent survey distributed among 2,000 printers by the National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers (NAPIM).

A Brief Chemistry Lesson On Printing Ink Pigments

I have received various inquiries about pigments and pigment chemistry. I will try to answer a few of these questions as they relate to package printing

Crosslinking Agents Can Improve Physical Properties

One of the key areas of ink/coating formulation is the use of crosslinking additives to improve physical resistance properties, such as ink adhesion and

VOC-Compliant Inks: What State Are They In?

Two issues that have remained in the forefront of our industry for at least two decades are environmental regulations and flexography. As the quality

Electronic Ink Technology: New Players Aid Progress

Not only will these electronic inks be used on paper, but they can be printed and laminated to create many packaging products. More than a year ago, I

Sun Chemical HD Plates

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