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Toyo Ink To Launch New Company

TOKYO, JAPAN | Toyo Ink Mfg. Co. Ltd. will start Toyo Ink Brasil Ltda. as a new sales subsidiary in May 2010, dealing primarily in printing inks in São Paulo, Brazil.

The Toyo Ink Group has set out a vision aimed at becoming “a corporate group evolving into a globally useful specialty chemical manufacturer” as part of its New Vision SCC2017, the group’s current long-term plan, and supplies users the world over with printing inks and other printing materials with an emphasis on the environment and process innovation with the objective of evolving into an international, science-oriented corporate group.

Whereas the majority of the Toyo Ink Group’s sales in Brazil and other Latin American countries have previously involved exports via subsidiaries based in the US, the group has now decided to establish a local sales subsidiary in Brazil in order to cater to the growing market.

The group considers Brazil, its neighboring countries, and the surrounding area to be a key growth market and intends to expand gradually the range of products offered in Latin America, using this new company as a central hub to ensure steady supplies of Toyo Ink products.

Capitalizing on the establishment of this new company, the Toyo Ink Group will be exhibiting at a trade fair in South America for the first time at ExpoPrint Latin America 2010, in São Paulo, Brazil, from June 23--29. 

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