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2017FLEX Issues Call for Papers

SAN JOSE, CA | FlexTech, NextFlexNBMC, SEMI, and the 2017FLEX Executive Committee are seeking abstracts of a paper or student poster for the 16th Annual Flexible and Printed Electronics Conference. The event will be held June 19–22, 2017 in Monterrey, CA.

To submit an abstract for a conference paper or student poster, fill out the online form with contact information and upload an abstract of 100–250 words clearly describing the technical breakthrough or discovery that will be presented and how it applies to flexible and printed electronics products.

Preference will be given to original research and advancements in process and materials, to end-users, potential end-users, and to presentations that commit to live demonstration in the Technology Showcase area, which will be scheduled immediately following the presentation.

2017FLEX is a technical conference, and abstracts should be prepared for a technical audience who wish to hear relevant, scientific data on notable breakthroughs. Abstracts focused only on promoting new products or services, without consideration to the problem solved and science behind the concept, will not be accepted. Abstracts should not contain tables, charts, or pictures. SEMI, FlexTech, NBMC, and NextFlex members will receive priority consideration.

Selected presenters will receive acknowledgement in the 2017FLEX program guide, on the conference website, and in the conference proceedings. Speakers also receive a significantly discounted conference registration fee and are eligible for discounts on exhibition and sponsorship pricing along with the opportunity to demo their product/material/small equipment in the Technology Showcase at the Exhibit Hall.

The deadline for abstracts is February 15, 2017; notification of acceptance will be February 28, 2017; and the final presentation is due June 12, 2017.

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