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Hungarian Converter Expands Label Capabilities with Mark Andy

ALAEGERSZEG, HUNGARY | Gocsej Nyomda experienced changing needs for its growing label business that resulted in the recent acquisition of a Mark Andy 2200 press.

"We needed to transition from water-based to UV inks to achieve the quality our customers were demanding," commented Gocsej managing director, Gyorffy Zoltan, referring to the company's traditional markets of meat producers and beverage manufacturers. "We find the 13 inch web width useful because it allows us to tap into new markets that were previously outside the scope of our old 10 inch press," he added.

The Mark Andy 2200 is equipped with eight full-UV flexo print units, delam/relam, web turn bars, cold foil, automatic register, hot air drying, a sheeter and conveyor. The Mark Andy was preferred to presses from other manufacturers "partly because of the long and close working relationship we have with Grimex," Gyorffy explained.

Founded originally as an offset printing house, Gocsej currently has four multi-color SRA2 presses, and is looking to move to B2 format. Although Gyorffy claims to have no pre-conceived preferences between offset and flexo, he says the switch can be challenging, but he likes the way Mark Andy technology has opened new markets for him in personal care and cosmetics, as well as helped support his existing household cleaning products requirements.

Currently, approximately 40% of Gocsej's total output is produced on the Mark Andy, with customers across Hungary and beyond. In fact, one international customer has recently committed to transferring its entire print requirements to Gocsej from the seven individual printers it now uses.

With a staff of 40, the print shop has seven working in the flexo department, generating an annual turnover of €1.5m (2.25MM USD), and Gocsej is involved in a local employment plan that provides good, reliable staff on demand. According to Gyorffy, it offers an exceptional opportunity to cope with the workflow peaks and troughs that are part of everyday life in print.

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