
Digital Magazine

Lay-Flat Measurement System Builds Quality into Sleeve Labels

Elmhurst, IL | BST Pro Mark’s new ProSleeve lay-flat measurement system monitors and controls the finished lay flat quality on machines that produce sleeve label products. Using a high-resolution CCD camera to measure the actual finished lay flat sleeve width as the sleeves are made on the seaming machine, the unit notifies the operator when the actual size exceeds specifications or begins to drift. A unique filter package, says the company, enhances web edges and readily allows the system to see sleeve substrates commonly used—such as PVC, PET, OPS, and SBC—and measure to tight tolerances of +/-0.1 mm. Interface features include a continuous display of the live measured web width along with desired quality thresholds and a histogram of the last 10 running min for an effective means to monitor finished sleeve quality during production, company reports. An optional reporting module links system data output to a customer-supplied personal computer for on-demand statistical data on each roll/job. Request a brochure for details at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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