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AWA Metallized Substrate Study: AIMCAL Discount-Time Dwindling

FORT MILL, SC, USA—AIMCAL members: Time is running out for opportunity to purchase Alexander Watson Associates' (AWA) Metallized Papers and Films: World Sourcebook 2002. According to AIMCAL (Association for Industrial Metallizers, Coaters, and Laminators), the $3500 study is available to AIMCAL members (from AWA) for the discounted price of $1500 (US) through October 31, 2002.

"Exclusively sponsored by AIMCAL, this report is the first global study published for the metallized products market," says AIMCAL's Craig Sheppard. "[It] expands the existing series of European studies to include worldwide market data, as well company profiles on raw material suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and individual metallizing companies." He adds the report details a global perspective for the industry, broken down by geography; product and market segmentation by region; exclusive value-chain analysis according to key areas; metallized product market "AWAreness Trends"; and a review of technology developments and new application opportunities. "Reviews from AIMCAL members have been strongly favorable," says Sheppard.

To see a full prospectus and to order the study, visit awa-bv.com. Visit AIMCAL at aimcal.org.

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