
Digital Magazine

First Glance


Icy Conditions
LifeWave wanted an eye-catching package with a barrier against early activation to market its “smart temperature” IceWave skin patch for sore, stiff muscles. Graphic Packaging Intl. (GPI), Marietta, GA, did the job with its Composipac material. The material, metallized mylar film laminated to paperboard, provides the package with a functional barrier to oxygen, light, and moisture, as well as a “flashy billboard for sophisticated graphics,” says GPI. The ultra-modern, brushed titanium look of the package is flexo printed in eight colors with an overlacquer, and GPI reports its appeal is gender-neutral yet reaches the product’s target audience of athletically active people.

Soaking It In
New technology from International Tray Pads & Packaging, Aberdeen, NC, uses super-absorbent polymers for common grocery tray pads. The No-Wet “S” pad uses a proprietary laminated structure that distributes and holds the polymer particles in place evenly for high absorbency. Because the pads are less bulky and case sizes are 30% smaller, they are said to be easier to handle, store, and transport. The tray pads are available in continuous roll form for high-speed padding machines and in cut-to-size packs for use in all types of trays and bags.

Over the Rainbow
Gilbreth Packaging, Croydon, PA, reports its iridescent shrink labels display a continually changing rainbow, making it well suited for holiday combo packs featuring wine, spirits, upscale beverages, beauty products, and fragrances. Gilbreth adds, “As the film interacts with the light, it projects a kaleidoscopic pattern of color experiences that provide a unique on-package customer involvement.” The material also is environmentally friendly, says Gilbreth, since it is made with PETG and PLA resins.

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