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Getting Personal With Mark S. Lemberger

Experience Speaks

How would you describe your management style?
Hands-on with a relaxed grip. It’s very important to know the details of all aspects of our business and customers’ needs, but I believe in letting my team put their talents to use with a minimum amount of interference.

How do you handle a difficult customer?
Let the customer explain exactly what their expectations are. Try to get them to tour your facility to observe the factors you must deal with in attempting to satisfy their needs. Negotiate terms agreeable to both parties, if possible. If not, concentrate on satisfying those needs you are capable of handling, and help the customer find another source for the balance of their needs.

What keeps you up at night?
Searching for new ways to continue the constant balancing act between meeting and exceeding the needs and expectations of our employees and customers, and overcoming the rising tide of costs that are not within my control. Everything is a moving target, and you must continue to improve daily to stay ahead of the game.

At a Glance
Western States Envelope & Label Co.
5580 N. 132nd St.
Butler, WI 53007
5 plants/750 employees
Specializes in custom-manufactured envelope and p-s label products.

What is the key to growing business in a bad economy?
Listen to your customers. Find new trends and needs, and evolve to take advantage of them.

What is your biggest business mistake and how did you fix it?
Assuming I know the answer before I have asked all of the questions. Over the course of my career, I’ve learned to ask a lot more questions.

What do you know now that you wish you had known when you started out in business?
How to say “No” when the situation warrants it.

What are you most proud of in your business?
I am most proud of this organization’s ability to adapt to an ever-changing marketplace. We enjoy third-generation relationships with many customers and also many employees. I am very proud of these relationships.

Who is your personal hero?
My father-in-law, Charles Proite. He taught me the true value of family, how to treat others with respect, and that actions always speak louder than words.

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