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A World Contender

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In 1975, Graphics of the Americas debuted as a small tabletop show within a growing industry not fully aware yet of the direction technology would take it. Now celebrating its 30th "pearl" anniversary, GOA has become a staple in the industry, exposing printers and converters to the latest and most innovative technology available.

Returning to the Convention Ctr. in Miami Beach, FL, February 4–6, GOA, sponsored by the Printing Assn. of Florida (PAF), will host more than 22,000 professionals from the US, Latin America, and beyond. With more than 500 exhibiting companies, this year,s expanded floor plan offers 500,000 sq ft of exhibit space.

Hallmarking its 30th anniversary, GOA has been selected to participate in the 2005 Intl. Buyer Program (IBP). Administered by the US Dept. of Commerce, IBP is a marketing effort to encourage the export of US-made products by matching international buyers with domestic exhibiting firms. The Dept. of Commerce will work closely with GOA to promote attendance on a worldwide basis through its overseas offices as well as to provide on-site international business centers that will offer translation services, company matching services, private meeting rooms, telephones, fax, and lounge areas. This program is not a show endorsement, explains GOA; it is worldwide marketing to expose and attract more buyers from around the globe.

According to Chris Price, Graphics of the Americas VP and general manager, "We,re pleased to meet the criteria for participation in the International Buyer Program, as it allows us to extend unique support and benefits for our international attendees and exhibitors. Through the years and now through our successful efforts to become an official participant in the US Commerce,s International Buyer Program, GOA continues to be a leading supporter of the multi-billion dollar international graphic arts business."

Something Old, Something New
Always poised to keep the show fresh and innovative, GOA will offer several new aspects this year. One major addition will be Printers, Showcase, where print buyers and specifiers "will find a treasure" within GOA, reports PAF, adding Printers, Showcase will be filled with outstanding printers offering vast capabilities. Attendees can visit and speak with representatives offering samples of their work in markets such as package printing, tags, and labels.

GOA recently added the "JDF in Action" pavilion also. This pavilion, a combination of presentation theater and exhibits, will feature three days of multi-vendor presentations and hands-on demonstrations designed to provide attendees with a clear understanding of the emerging standard. In addition, GOA will have an on-site finance center to give attendees a face-to-face option with many lenders, making it easier for buyers to make purchases while at the show. A newly expanded Design City will feature hot products, time-saving techniques, breakthrough software, Adobe seminars, and more. A Wide-Format Sign and Banner hall also will debut.

Along with this year,s newcomers, there will be a return of some old favorites. The conference program, which convenes a day early on February 3, will feature tracks on Xplor, InDesign, and Photoshop. Leaders from the Latin American and Caribbean print markets will gather for the Conlatingraf Assembly, also on February 3; and the annual Graphics Arts Leaders of the Americas Gala 2005 will honor Canadian Warren Wilkins, CEO of Webcom Ltd., and Brazilian Mario Cesar de Camargo, president of ABIGRAF, for their contributions to the industry.

For more information on the show or to register, visit graphicsoftheamericas.com or contact the PAF at 305/588-4855.

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