
Digital Magazine

It Takes the Talent and Effort of Many to Make Any Job a Success

This issue is special. The cover shouts this message from the rooftops. And it's special for several reasons.

First, the production of this month's cover made me appreciate the skills of a good project coordinator. As converters who regularly rely upon multiple suppliers for every job you produce, this is an understood fact. Surely you can appreciate this novice's wariness about such a project when the idea surfaced to do something so dramatic for PFFC's cover.

Surprisingly, the production project, resulting in this month's multiple-imaged holographic cover, was relatively painless. Certainly the reason it went so smoothly is due to the expertise of the people and companies responsible for making it possible.

Starting with Tom Williams of Next Communications, who coordinated the whole cover project, PFFC owes its greatest thanks. I remember long ago having agreed to produce a “holographic” cover for another magazine, and it was a nightmare. I realized then how precarious a relationship can become with one false step. Tom ensured that all went according to plan and schedule. Project coordination, I discovered with this experience, makes all the difference in the world when the contribution of many partners is riding on the success of a project.

An even greater debt of gratitude goes to Kurz Transfer Products L.P., Charlotte, NC, for the foil stamping materials you see featured on the front cover. Details about the type of products employed can be found in the introductory title, “One-of-a-Kind Cover,” featured on p32.

Equally as skilled and helpful in producing this cover was converter Letterhead Press Inc., Waukesha, WI. While a customer may not at first appreciate the artistic abilities of its converter, the customer certainly realizes what a bonus such talents are when it comes to using holographic elements in a design. Working on a print publication, PFFC graphic artist Michael Koch and I are more familiar with four-color process reproduction. We learned how difficult it can be to design for holography.

The holography portion aside, what makes this issue even more special involves the many individual talents it required to assemble it. This month, my staff underwent some major transitions. (It's a surprise the issue materialized at all!) With staff editor Nsenga Thompson still on maternity leave, “new” associate managing editor Deborah Donberg decided to release more of her managing duties to senior editor Claudia Hine. Working around vacations and medical leaves, Claudia had a full taste of the managing editor's responsibilities, performing admirably under fire, with Teresa Koltzenburg's support.

Lastly, this issue represents the first time I employed the help of my daughter, Rebecca Simonsis, in the assembly and organization of our Labelexpo coverage starting on p48. Her efforts were complemented by the talented help of Carrie Cleaveland, our summer intern, whose introduction to Labelexpo represents her first published article. Applause!

Quite a team effort in my opinion. Kudos and congratulations to all!

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