
Digital Magazine

Don't Drop Into CMM Without Us!

Here's your chance to ask questions that concern the demands your customers are placing on your converting operations.

You would never think of jumping willingly from an airplane without a parachute, would you? Of course not. Well, you shouldn't think of traveling to the Converting Machinery/Materials Conference and Exposition in Chicago without this issue of Paper, Film & Foil CONVERTER either.

This year's edition of the biennial trade show known as CMM International is as comprehensive as any show the Paperloop.com organizers have ever staged in this industry. And we have provided you with the way to make a soft landing. In preparation, you might want to start with a map (see page CMM33). Next, turn to the category index on CMM12 and the comprehensive booth listings on page CMM38 to plot your maneuvers through the aisles.

And though your days may be hectic, find time in the evening (or on the weekend before or after the show) to experience Chicago. On CMM6 you'll find the PFFC staff's favorite restaurants, things to do, and places to visit.

Back to the show. It is, as always, more than just an exhibit. This year there are several conference programs/seminars that will be worth your while. The details are on pp. 10-11. Starting Sunday, April 22, there will be two programs taking place concurrently. The first staging of the e-business/converting Conference (organized by Paperloop.com and cosponsored by PFFC and Boxboard Containers Intl.) will take place April 22-24 at the Hyatt Regency next to McCormick Place. CEMA (Converting Equipment Mfrs. Assn.) will offer its own seminar program April 22-23.

The CMM conference program itself runs April 23-25 from 8:30 A.M. to 12 P.M. At my suggestion, for the first time CMM will include a session dedicated to market trends and conditions. If I had to quantify by percentage the types of inquiries I have received most frequently over the past 24 years of my career (and other editors in our industry will strongly agree), questions regarding market conditions and projections would win, hands down.

So, I've organized a group of excellent global market consultants who, at 8:30 A.M. on April 23, will address market statistics, trends, and conditions that the converting industry faces now and in the near future. Panel participants include Annette Comer of MarTech, Howard Rappaport of Chemical Market Assoc. (CMAI), Corey Reardon of AWA Alexander Watson Assoc., and David Luttenberger of Packaging Strategies.

To top off this session, I've invited some packaging end-users to present their side of the story. Among the presenters are Panos Kinigakis of Kraft Foods and Rodney Simpson of Borden Foods. Here's your chance to ask questions that concern the demands your customers are placing on your converting operations.

Enjoy the rest of the issue, and following page 80, you will find our CMM special section — your PFFC parachute!

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