
Digital Magazine

On the Move...

Pamco Label Co. Inc., Des Plaines, IL, a converter of prime p-s labels, has acquired George Kreisler Corp., Buffalo Grove, IL. Kreisler has been a supplier of p-s labels and decals for 35 years. Pamco supplies p-s labels to the consumer marketplace.

STIK-II Products, Easthampton, MA, a mfr. of p-s foam tapes, has purchased Richards, Parents & Murray Inc., Mount Vernon, NY, a mfr. of adhesive films and foam tapes. STIK-II will sell RPM's products under the STIK-II name. RPM's equipment has been moved to Easthampton, and many of RPM's key employees have moved to Easthampton to work for STIK-II.

IIMAK, Amherst, NY, named Richard Kingdon executive VP of its new BLT/Fax business unit, which provides thermal transfer ribbons for ID and facsimile printing to the North American market.

Harper Corp. of America founders Ron and Katherine Harper were honored in the August 2001 issue of the PICA Scanner, official newspaper of the Printing Industry of the Carolinas, in its “Pride In Print” series. The article focused on the Harpers' commitment and dedication to flexographic education, as well as their success in the very competitive anilox roll business.

The Tag and Label Mfrs. Inst. (TLMI), Naperville, IL, announced the election of new board members at its 2001 annual meeting in October. Converter members elected to three-year terms on the TLMI board of directors were Bob Biava, Driscoll Label Co.; Walter Dow, Dow Industries; and Scott Pillsbury, Rose City Label Co. Ferd. RĂ¼esch Jr., Gallus Inc., was elected to a 3-yr term as a supplier rep.

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