Anticipation Mounts Over IADD/FSEA Odyssey 'Firsts'
- Published: April 26, 2013
Topeka, KS | New products, more equipment and greater takeaway value are just a few of the reasons Odyssey attendance continues to escalate in record numbers. Slated to take place May 1-3 at the Nashville Convention Center in Nashville, TN, the IADD/FSEA 2013 Odyssey will unveil many exciting "firsts," including a Brandtjen & Kluge Users Group on Tuesday, April 30, at the Nashville Convention Center; a new In-line Embossing/Diecutting Showcase; a record number of companies exhibiting equipment in the Techshop and Technology Hall, and more networking opportunities to discuss best practices with industry peers than ever before.
The Odyssey provides an innovative learning arena like no other venue in North America. From technical sessions conducted on-press in the Techshop or in classrooms to a Technology Hall filled with the widest range of products and services specific to die-cutting/die-making, foil stamping/embossing, folding/gluing, and a host of other specialty die-making and finishing processes, the Odyssey provides strategies for profitability and growth.
Inline embossing and die-cutting tooling is becoming more prevalent for longer run embossing converting jobs. See firsthand sample dies, innovative and award-winning product samples, and calibrating equipment—all the latest technology and techniques used to make combination dies.
From new technologies to business strategies, sharing ideas and insights with peers is a powerful tool. Networking opportunities at the Odyssey include a special Welcome Reception on Wednesday, May 1, (sponsored by Sentry Insurance) and a Gala Awards Reception and Banquet on Thursday evening, where the IADD Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Manfred Butenuth, Elcede GmbH, and the FSEA Gold Leaf Award winners will be announced.
To “Plug In” to the 2013 IADD·FSEA Odyssey—the industry's premier event sponsored by the Intl. Assn. of Diecutting and Diemaking (IADD) and the Foil & Specialty Effects Assn. (FSEA)—visit the Odyssey website at
For more details in PFFC's show preview, click here.