
Digital Magazine

Brooks Indtroduces EPC-Capable RFID Reader


The German RFID manufacturer, Brooks Automation GmbH, introduces a new EEPC Reader for HF data entry. The new reader from the HF 60 Series was designed for use in rough environments. The resistance of its robust aluminum housing is particularly remarkable for applications in a chain of stores, goods logistic industry or industrial or industrial production.

The communication between transponder and reader takes place standardized through the International Standards EPC (Electronic Product Code) or ISO 15693. Acquired data can be transmitted via a serial RS232 interface as well as via an Ethernet interface. With it five antenna connections, the reader is said to be suitable for applications with many reading points and thus considerably reduces the costs for an RFID integration. The accessories include comprehensive Plug & Play antenna solutions, which ensure the required reading ranges. The device includes 4 DIP (dual inline package) switches for convenient interface or test mode setting.

Contact Brooks Auomation at +49-9279-991 551.

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