
Digital Magazine

First ICC Conference Draws Crowd


RESTON, VA—More than 130 professionals took parting the first Developer's Conference on color management presented by the Intl. Color Consortium (ICC) in mid-November in Scottsdale, AZ. The conference was created to provide a forum where ICC members could exchange information, ideas, and practical feedback with color management users and product developers.

The full-day program offered a basic review of color management, along with 13 half-hour tutorials on technical topics and a luncheon panel of user experiences.

According to Craig Revie, ICC Chair, the conference was developed appeal to professionals with many different levels of color management knowledge and experience. "The audience included some of the original scientists who had helped create the color science architecture upon which the ICC is based," he says, "as well as application developers and advanced users just beginning to become actively involved in color management issues.

See color.org.

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