EFI Pro 30h Hybrid LED Printer Makes Canadian Debut at Graphics Canada Expo

EFI experts to lead discussions on wide-format and packaging technologies in expo seminars and panels

Electronics For Imaging, Inc., is exhibiting its EFI™ Pro 30h hybrid LED production printer at Graphics Canada Expo in Toronto, Canada, May 11-13, 2023. Making its Canadian debut, the versatile hybrid printer, designed to give customers a wide competitive advantage with more capabilities, versatility, and productivity, will be a major attraction at the tradeshow where EFI experts are also taking part in several topical seminars.

The 3.2-metre wide EFI Pro 30h hybrid roll/flatbed LED is an ideal solution for businesses targeting production sign and display graphics as a growth opportunity. The printer handles a wide variety of rigid and flexible substrates for a wide range of applications, including day/night backlit graphics, retail signage, outdoor signage, and window graphics. Running at speeds up to 230 square metres per hour, it features four colours plus dual channels of white (standard), prints in resolutions up to 1,200 dpi, and includes a Fiery® proServer Core digital front end with FAST RIP acceleration technology.

“We’re looking forward to meeting with our customers at Graphics Canada Expo, and showing them the capabilities and versatility of the EFI Pro 30h printer. Our Canadian customers will benefit from its productivity and image quality to meet the growing demands for higher quality with quicker turnaround times,” said Ken Hanulec, EFI Vice President of Worldwide Marketing.

“We’re also pleased to take part in the educational program at the show. Our experts will share the latest in innovative inkjet technology for the wide format and packaging markets, and discuss the importance of sustainability in print, three focus areas for EFI,” he said.

EFI experts will be featured speakers at several seminars and panel discussions:


Panel: What’s new and what’s coming in the latest technologies?    

Speaker: Brent Bourne, Senior Sales Development Manager in Canada

Panel: Entering Wide Format for Commercial Printers 

Speaker: Robb Levin, Sales Development Manager, Wide Format


Panel: Future Technologies in Digital Packaging

Speaker: Liz Logue, Vice President Corporate Development

Panel: Sustainability for Sustainable Brands

Speaker: Liz Logue, Vice President Corporate Development with George Perreira from Whitebird

Graphics Canada Expo, May 11-13, 2023, is Canada’s largest graphic communications and printing trade show. The national event takes place every two years in Toronto at the state-of-the-art Toronto International Centre, just a few minutes from Pearson International Airport. Thousands of leading commercial, packaging, and wide-format printers, along with other industry participants, will preview new technology releases and attend a full line-up of educational presentations, seminars, and panel discussions.

Learn more at www.graphicscanada.com or www.efi.com.

2025 Events

April 1-3 |  Label Expo Mexico, Guadalajara, Mexico (https://www.labelexpo-mexico.com/)

April 16-17 | Battery Show South, Atlanta, GA (www.thebatteryshowsouth.com/en/home.html)

April 22-25 | Hybrid Fusion, Amsterdam (www.hybridsoftware.com/hybrid-fusion-conference)

April 23-25, 2024 | ARC Summit, Golden, CO (https://www.rolltoroll.org/2024-arc-summit-main)

April 29-May 1 |  Fit Expo, Miami Beach, FLA (https://www.filtxpo.com/)

May 4-7 | FORUM & INFOFLEX 2025, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (https://forum.flexography.org/)

May 13-14 | Print & Digital Convention, Dusseldorf, Germany (https://www.printdigitalconvention.de/en)

May 20-21 | Converters Expo, Green Bay, Wisconsin (https://www.packagingstrategies.com/converters-expo)

June 2-4 | ICEC, Palermo, Sicily (https://www.icec2025.com/)

June 18-20 | Global Pouch Forum, Clearwater, Florida (https://www.packagingstrategies.com/global-pouch-forum)

June 24-26 | Adhesives & Bonding Expo, Novi, Michigan (https://www.adhesivesandbondingexpo.com/)

July 21-24 | World of Wipes International Conference, Columbus, Ohio (https://worldofwipes.org/)

September 16-19 | Label Expo Europe, Barcelona, Spain (https://www.labelexpo-europe.com/)

September 29-October 1 | Pack Expo Las Vegas, NV (https://www.packexpolasvegas.com/)

October 1-2, 2024 | RISE® (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics), Raleigh, NC (riseconf.net)

October 6-9 | The Battery Show North America, Detroit, Michigan (https://www.thebatteryshow.com/en/home.html)

Oct 8-15 | K 2025, Messe Düsseldorf (www.k-online.com)

October 22–24 | Printing United, Orlando, Florida (https://www.printingunited.com/)

November 12-14 | R2R Europe, Milan, Italy (https://www.rolltoroll.org/)

2026 Events

April 10-13 | TAPPI FlexPack PLACE Conference, Austin, Texas (https://www.tappi.org)

April 13-16 | Modex 2026, Atlanta, Georgia (https://www.modexshow.com/)

April 15-16 | Pulp & Beyond, Helsinki, Finland (www.pulpandbeyond.com)

May 7-13 | Interpack, Dusseldorf, Germany (https://www.interpack.com)

2028 Events

May 9-17 | drupa, Düsseldorf, Germany (www.drupa.com)

October 8-12 | Super Corr Expo, Orlando, Florida (https://www.supercorrexpo.org)

Exhibitors’ Sneak Peek

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