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Simply Carton Takes Off with Eagle Systems; Golden Eagle Makes Cold Foil Eco-Friendly

Eagle Systems, Inc., a U.S. based developer and manufacturer of foil enhancement equipment, announced that Simply Carton has installed a Golden Eagle Cold Foil module on its KBA 8-color 106 press. The installation, which was completed last August in the converter’s expanded 7500 square meter facility, has enabled Simply Carton to launch EnviraMet, a new recyclable foil branded solution designed as a sustainable alternative to traditional metalized boards, as well as to revitalize its post-press capabilities.
“Production-wise, we’re experiencing an easy 20 precent reduction in turnaround time, not to mention savings in die costs and buying lead times, and in-house production gives us complete control. In just six months, I’d estimate that at least 25 percent of our clients have already gravitated to applying cold foil enhancements to their projects,” said Craig Mather, chief executive, Simply Carton. “Accordingly, we are attracting countless new clients. One of the key influences has also been the environmental aspects of Eagle’s Cold Foil production and our own EnviraMet Product.”
Simply Carton’s EnviraMet reportedly replaces plastic laminate on metalized boards with a coating so that packaging can be easily recycled in the home. Without traditional metalized materials, there is no need for white overprint, allowing for a single printing pass of multiple metallic colors, eliminating the need for offline processes. This saves time, materials, design constraints, and the environment.
With numerous applications in mind for the cosmetics, fragrance, food and luxury drink, horticulture and health and beauty markets, EnviraMet is made possible by Eagle Systems’ advanced cold foil system tabbed “Golden Eagle”. Eagle’s latest and greatest system reportedly offers newly developed fully automatic features, as well as the “Eagle Cares” package complete with auto-doors and an on-going video feed. At the console monitor, the operator can view stop and start operation of running foil, reducing waste and spoilage.

The Golden Eagle unit at Simply Cartons is also fitted with Cast & Cure, FoilSyncTM Foilsavings, and FoilCure, developed by Eagle in 2018, for direct replacement for metpol and laminated boards.

For more information, visit https://thefoilexperts.com.

Sustainability: Washable inks - Primer-free