
Digital Magazine

KBA Sensoric Infeed System Wins Award

KBA North America has a three-peat for the GATF InterTech Technology Award from PIA/GATF, capturing the 2007 award for the Rapida 105's Sensoric Infeed System (SIS), a sidelay-free infeed feature found on its 41-inch sheetfed presses.

White Sale

With Modernistic’s acquisition of a Durst flatbed UV inkjet digital printer, POP customers are seeing graphics that pack a punch.

Showing Off

Offering hundreds of product innovations, Graph Expo 2007 represents the diversity of print.

Operators' Opinions Matter

Why consult operators? The best way to make improvements is to involve those actually performing the work.

Out in Front

With an eye on huge growth in luxury brands, UpFront expands its resources with a Mitsubishi UV sheet-fed press.

Flexo Forges Bond

With an eye on expansion into the wine label market, a South African converter buys its first flexographic press.

Automated Web Handling Reduces Costs

Germark finds automated web handling equipment from Martin Automatic boosts productivity while offering fast payback.

Gidue Installs Presses in Australia

With the recent sale of an Intelligent Combat, Gidue has sold six presses in Australia, with a seventh machine currently under production.

Gidue Installs Press in India

The E-Combat 378 eight-color press installed at Sel-Jegat marks the third installation in India since the beginning of 2007.

Treat 'em Right

Offset printer adds corona treating to its eight-color press and improves print quality on a new product line: in-mold film labels.

Oui to Flexo

The Flexographic Technical Assn. (FTA) called its Forum 2007 “Crossing Borders: Flexo’s Global Gateway.” Very apropos; globalization was a big part of the agenda.

Working Undercover

Brand security and authentication are integral features of product design in today’s global economy. Converters have a role to play.

Coding: A Digital Signature

As marketing manager for brand protection solutions at Videojet Technologies, Jack Walsh knows a thing or two about product authentication. In the past

Brand Security Products

New brand security products from: Kodak, Henderson Engineering, XSYS Print Solutions, HolographINK, Agfa Graphics, and ARmark.

Shining Stars

The Gravure Assn. of America hits hot topics and announces honors.

Sun Chemical HD Plates

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