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Canadian Banknote Installs Brookfield Viscometers

MISSISSAUGA, ONT., CANADA—Canadian Bank Note Intl. (CBN), a 50-employee printing operation specializing in lottery and gaming tickets for governments, corporations, and retail stores, recently installed three Brookfield process viscometers on its Comco narrow web flexographic press.

CBN currently runs the nine-color press in 12-hr shifts to produce millions of lottery tickets annually for international companies. It also prints "scratch & win" tickets and commercial scratch-off coatings for restaurants and department store games.

The Comco press has three solvent-based ink reservoirs and six that are UV radiation cure units with UV dryers, two of which are from Prime Systems and four of which are from Fusion Systems.

In addition, Canadian Bank Note is installing new ink pumping systems from Graymills to replace another vendor's mechanical pumps. The three solvent-based printing stations each have print towers with open pans that drain ink and recirculate it. Because of the open pans and lower flashpoint, the company has chosen a pneumatic Graymills pump. The combined Brookfield process viscometers and Graymills pumps form a single integrated package.

In early 1999, Brookfield and Graymills announced a strategic alliance to offer viscosity measurement/control and ink pumping systems to their customers in the printing and graphics market.

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