
Digital Magazine

Magpowr's Online Tools Can Help Simplify Web Tension Control

FENTON, MO, USA—Magpowr says two of its new, powerful online tools can assist converters in the selection and operation of torque and tension control components.

"New application software enables users and distributors to determine the sizing requirements for brakes, clutches, and load cells quickly," reports Magpowr (a Maxcess Intl. co.). "While this software doesn't select the product for the user, a summary sheet details the pertinent information so the user can apply the 'calculated' output and select a model number. Web site links and references to current literature provide easy resources for more information. The summary sheet also can be saved in an HTML document for email, fax, or printing purposes," adds the manufacturer.

Magpowr says also available online is the company's interactive demo of CYGNUS, its latest tension control technology.

Explains Magpowr product manager Darrell Whiteside, "Our customers love these new tools for the time savings and constant availability. In addition to experienced Magpowr engineers, they now have another resource to run different tension control scenarios." He adds, "The interactive Cygnus demo gives users an opportunity to see how easy the prompts are to work with; it's not eough to hear about it, they want to experience it as well."

To access Magpowr's online tools, visit magpowr.com/etools.

Learn more about Magpower's torque and tension control products at magpowr.com.

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