
Digital Magazine

Conferences, Meetings, and More

TLMI holds two meetings each year — exclusively for members — that are designed to provide attendees with valuable information they can put into practice when they return to their companies.

Held at premier venues, these meetings feature top-notch speakers who can educate and motivate members to better plan for the future growth of their companies. They also provide excellent networking opportunities for members to share their unique knowledge of the challenges faced and opportunities available to the industry as a whole.

The Annual Meetings, held each fall, are open to both converter and supplier members. Highlights of those meetings include the winners of the Annual Awards Competition, the TLMI Supplier of the Year Award, and the Environmental Leadership Awards.

The Converter Meetings, held each spring, are reserved exclusively for members engaged in the manufacture of tags and labels. The prestigious Eugene Singer Awards, which honor the “Best Managed” converter member companies, are presented at the Converter Meeting.

In addition, the association holds biannual Technical Conferences, open to members and non-members alike, which address the challenging and often complicated technical issues facing the label converting industry today.

The 2008 Annual Meeting — celebrating the association's 75th anniversary — will be held October 19 to 22 at The Breakers in Palm Beach, FL.

For more information visit www.tlmi.com.

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