
Digital Magazine

Staying on Task

Don't know about you, but as I look forward to this new year, I'm starting to feel behind the eight ball already. For me, making a list of things to do helps keep me somewhat on track. It also gives me a sense of accomplishment once I can cross each item off the list. To be honest, though, if my staff and colleagues didn't keep me headed in the right direction, I'd frequently either be completely lost or headed ineffectively in too many directions.

I've also rediscovered the value of using what now has become “old” technology — the phone. As I become more weighed down with an overload of e-mail, I've asked people to use e-mail to send me important information, such as press releases, stories, etc., but to help me give them the attention they deserve by giving me a phone call as they're about to send the message. This way I can more easily search through my messages to find important announcements in a timely manner.

But I digress. Back to my list of things to do. It dawned on me as I was prepping to write this column that maybe my list might also impact your new year. So here we go:

  • PFFC's Critical Trends Survey goes out this month to subscribers. While I'd like to phone each of you, I'll have to trust you're better at culling through your messages to participate in this year's annual survey. The results will be published in May, but I'm previewing responses at two AWA Alexander Watson Assoc. events on March 29-31 at the Hyatt Rosemont Chicago. Register to attend at www.awa-bv.com/?c=event.

  • Converters Expo will be staged on March 3 — make arrangements to reach balmy Green Bay, WI, and Lambeau Field's Atrium; pick which of five Skybox Seminars to attend. They're expecting 100 exhibitors, and the entrance fee is only $30. Visit www.convertersexpo.com and look for PFFC while you're there!

  • The first edition of ICE USA is slated for April 6-8 at the Orlando, FL, Orange County Convention Center. Make hotel arrangements now by visiting www.ice-x-usa.com/hotels. Tip: Best values are at The Peabody and Rosen Centre (both next to the OCCC). More than 200 exhibitors are expected, and more than 35 seminars are lined up for a serious learning experience. Find full coverage of this premier event in PFFC's February issue.

  • Mark Miller's first “Coating Matters” column appears on p12. Give it a read and send me your comments with the subject line: Mark Miller's column. And please read our other experts: Tim Walker (“Web Lines”) on p8 and Kelly Robinson (“Static Beat”) on p10. Twelve months a year they're here to serve your technology needs.

Your input, suggestions, and calls are welcome. We hope to stay on task with your help!

My friends call me…

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