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Major Global Automaker Launches Pilot Trial of Cortec’s Eco-Corr Film

A renowned car manufacturer has decided to test Cortec’s Eco-Corr Film® as part of its new “green” logistics project aimed at decreasing plastic consumption. “Green” packaging alternative Eco-Corr Film is used for transport of automotive engines from its manufacturing facilities in the Czech Republic to India where the film is then composted.

Cortec® Corporation, a leader in corrosion protection solutions, has dedicated years of its research to develop “green,” sustainable alternatives to conventional polyethylene films. One of its pioneer solutions is Eco-Corr Film, a biodegradable corrosion inhibiting film that contains Cortec’s proprietary VpCI® Technology and reportedly provides excellent contact, barrier, and vapor-phase corrosion protection for ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Eco-Corr Film will reportedly disintegrate within months in a commercial composting environment depending on the conditions and activity of the disposal environment. The film is shelf stable and will not break down prematurely until disposed of in a proper composting environment and is compostable and compliant to ASTM D6400.

As part of pilot project, the car manufacturer tested Eco-Corr Films while packaging car parts for shipment to their plant in Pune, India. Quality control did not show any damage or traces of corrosion of the components being wrapped in Eco-Corr Film upon arrival in India. After six months, the foils had largely biodegraded in the compost bins, helping them to eliminate plastic waste.

Eco-Corr Film replaces conventional plastic films previously used by this car manufacturer and provides the same effective corrosion protection. Among other things, the resulting compost is intended for use as fertilizer on the trees in the logistics park in front of the Pune plant, where, starting in March 2019, visitors and employees have had the opportunity to plant trees in order to rejuvenate the weedy area into a park.

In July 2020, the company launched a one-year pilot project to investigate the use of Eco-Corr Film on a large scale.

For more information, visit https://www.cortecvci.com

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