“Investing from the Front of the Machine to the Back Office”

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America Corrugating Machinery Division to Feature Latest Technology and Customer Support Service at CorrExpo 2023

The Corrugating Machinery Division of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, a leading supplier of corrugating and box-making machinery, will highlight an array of technology and customer support service investments at CorrExpo 2023 (Booth #701, Huntingdon Convention Center, Cleveland, OH, August 28-30).

“The name of the game is continual reinvestment on behalf of our customers in order to meet their demands for productivity-enhancing technology at the front of the line and crucial service and support on the back-end,” said Shoji Isoai, President, MHIA Corrugating Machinery Division. “With more than 200 EVOLs currently in operation in North America, our customers won’t settle for anything less – and neither will we.”

The Mitsubishi Prefeeder and recently opened West Coast-based distribution and support facility headline the latest reinvestments.

The Mitsubishi Prefeeder is designed for faster throughput and front-of-line reliability. A recent import from the EU, the technology is finding rapid adoption from customers looking to keep their premium EVOL box-making equipment operating with maximum efficiency. The company’s research shows that 50 percent of equipment downtime is caused by auxiliary equipment, with prefeeders accounting for nearly 38 percent of that total.

The Mitsubishi Prefeeder is currently available for the EVOL 84 and EVOL 100 – either 350 BPM or 400 BPM – or for any equipment that is a top printer. It is able to run a continuous shingle of either singlewall or doublewall sheets, with a minimum sheet of 8.7 x 27.2 and a maximum sheet of 37 x 100, and boasts a lifting device that reverses the sheet stack.

The company’s new West Coast-based distribution and support facility buttresses its rapid response capabilities. Based in Las Vegas and opened in early 2023, the fully staffed 20,000 square-foot outpost ensures reduced shipping costs and faster delivery for EVOL customers based west of the Mississippi River. In combination with MHIA’s extant support center in Hunt Valley, MD, the company has expanded and deepened its commitment to delivering comprehensive 24-hour support for customers across North America.

Also featured at Booth #701 will be the MC-100. Introduced in 2021, the state-of-the-art Flexo Folder Gluer boasts ease of operation and enhanced quality-control for plant personnel. The MC-100 ensures less downtime through easy technician access via elevated platforms. Its stop and start wheel feeder provides non-continuous feeding for superior alignment and quality control, with a 300 BPM top production rate.

2025 Events

March 10-12 | Print UV, Las Vegas, Nevada (https://www.printuv.com/)

March 11-13 | ICE Europe, Munich, Germany (https://www.ice-x.com/#/)

April 1-3 |  Label Expo Mexico, Guadalajara, Mexico (https://www.labelexpo-mexico.com/)

April 16-17 | Battery Show South, Atlanta, GA (www.thebatteryshowsouth.com/en/home.html)

April 22-25 | Hybrid Fusion, Amsterdam (www.hybridsoftware.com/hybrid-fusion-conference)

April 23-25, 2024 | ARC Summit, Golden, CO (https://www.rolltoroll.org/2024-arc-summit-main)

April 29-May 1 |  Fit Expo, Miami Beach, FLA (https://www.filtxpo.com/)

May 4-7 | FORUM & INFOFLEX 2025, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (https://forum.flexography.org/)

May 13-14 | Print & Digital Convention, Dusseldorf, Germany (https://www.printdigitalconvention.de/en)

May 20-21 | Converters Expo, Green Bay, Wisconsin (https://www.packagingstrategies.com/converters-expo)

June 2-4 | ICEC, Palermo, Sicily (https://www.icec2025.com/)

June 18-20 | Global Pouch Forum, Clearwater, Florida (https://www.packagingstrategies.com/global-pouch-forum)

June 24-26 | Adhesives & Bonding Expo, Novi, Michigan (https://www.adhesivesandbondingexpo.com/)

July 21-24 | World of Wipes International Conference, Columbus, Ohio (https://worldofwipes.org/)

September 16-19 | Label Expo Europe, Barcelona, Spain (https://www.labelexpo-europe.com/)

September 29-October 1 | Pack Expo Las Vegas, NV (https://www.packexpolasvegas.com/)

October 1-2, 2024 | RISE® (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics), Raleigh, NC (riseconf.net)

October 6-9 | The Battery Show North America, Detroit, Michigan (https://www.thebatteryshow.com/en/home.html)

Oct 8-15 | K 2025, Messe Düsseldorf (www.k-online.com)

October 22–24 | Printing United, Orlando, Florida (https://www.printingunited.com/)

November 12-14 | R2R Europe, Milan, Italy (https://www.rolltoroll.org/)

2026 Events

April 10-13 | TAPPI FlexPack PLACE Conference, Austin, Texas (https://www.tappi.org)

April 13-16 | Modex 2026, Atlanta, Georgia (https://www.modexshow.com/)

April 15-16 | Pulp & Beyond, Helsinki, Finland (www.pulpandbeyond.com)

May 7-13 | Interpack, Dusseldorf, Germany (https://www.interpack.com)

2028 Events

May 9-17 | drupa, Düsseldorf, Germany (www.drupa.com)

October 8-12 | Super Corr Expo, Orlando, Florida (https://www.supercorrexpo.org)

Exhibitors’ Sneak Peek

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