Eaglewood Technologies Exhibits at INFOFLEX 2023

Eaglewood Technologies is excited to exhibit at InfoFlex 2023, April 17-18 in Columbus, Ohio, where the entire package printing industry will be represented under one roof. InfoFlex runs in conjunction with the FTA Forum 2023 with technical sessions such as “Sustainable Business, Sustainable Planet.”

After attending this timely session, guests can visit Eaglewood in Booth #306 to learn about Nanovis sustainable parts cleaning systems, in addition to anilox cleaning systems such as Sitexco+ System, the L10 System for label printers and industry standard Sanilox™ System.

In addition to these leading technologies, Eaglewood offers mobile service which brings sophisticated technology to your door. Eaglewood Technologies is the recipient of the FTA Technical Innovation Award and a finalist of the Label Industry Global Award for Innovation. Eaglewood provides trusted cleaning technologies for the world’s best printers and converters.

For more details, visit www.eaglewoodtech.com.

2025 Events

February 12-13 | Packaging Innovations & Empack, NEC, Birmingham (https://www.packagingbirmingham.com/)

February 16-19 | SPE International Polyolefins Conference, Galveston, Texas (www.PolyolefinsConference.org)

February 19 | Converters Expo South, Greenville, South Carolina (https://www.packagingstrategies.com/converters-expo-south)

February 23-25 | 26th Annual Flexographic Pre-Press Platemakers Conference, Tuscon, Arizona (https://flexoplatemakers.com/event/2025-annual-conference/)

March 10-12 | Print UV, Las Vegas, Nevada (https://www.printuv.com/)

April 1-3 |  Label Expo Mexico, Guadalajara, Mexico (https://www.labelexpo-mexico.com/)

April 16-17 | Battery Show South, Atlanta, GA (www.thebatteryshowsouth.com/en/home.html)

April 22-25 | Hybrid Fusion, Amsterdam (www.hybridsoftware.com/hybrid-fusion-conference)

April 23-25, 2024 | ARC Summit, Golden, CO (https://www.rolltoroll.org/2024-arc-summit-main)

April 29-May 1 |  Fit Expo, Miami Beach, FLA (https://www.filtxpo.com/)

May 4-7 | FORUM & INFOFLEX 2025, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (https://forum.flexography.org/)

May 13-14 | Print & Digital Convention, Dusseldorf, Germany (https://www.printdigitalconvention.de/en)

May 20-21 | Converters Expo, Green Bay, Wisconsin (https://www.packagingstrategies.com/converters-expo)

June 2-4 | ICEC, Palermo, Sicily (https://www.icec2025.com/)

June 18-20 | Global Pouch Forum, Clearwater, Florida (https://www.packagingstrategies.com/global-pouch-forum)

June 24-26 | Adhesives & Bonding Expo, Novi, Michigan (https://www.adhesivesandbondingexpo.com/)

July 21-24 | World of Wipes International Conference, Columbus, Ohio (https://worldofwipes.org/)

September 16-19 | Label Expo Europe, Barcelona, Spain (https://www.labelexpo-europe.com/)

September 29-October 1 | Pack Expo Las Vegas, NV (https://www.packexpolasvegas.com/)

October 1-2, 2024 | RISE® (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics), Raleigh, NC (riseconf.net)

October 6-9 | The Battery Show North America, Detroit, Michigan (https://www.thebatteryshow.com/en/home.html)

Oct 8-15 | K 2025, Messe Düsseldorf (www.k-online.com)

October 22–24 | Printing United, Orlando, Florida (https://www.printingunited.com/)

November 12-14 | R2R Europe, Milan, Italy (https://www.rolltoroll.org/)

2026 Events

April 10-13 | TAPPI FlexPack PLACE Conference, Austin, Texas (https://www.tappi.org)

April 13-16 | Modex 2026, Atlanta, Georgia (https://www.modexshow.com/)

April 15-16 | Pulp & Beyond, Helsinki, Finland (www.pulpandbeyond.com)

May 7-13 | Interpack, Dusseldorf, Germany (https://www.interpack.com)

2028 Events

May 9-17 | drupa, Düsseldorf, Germany (www.drupa.com)

October 8-12 | Super Corr Expo, Orlando, Florida (https://www.supercorrexpo.org)

Exhibitors’ Sneak Peek

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