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ABB Helps Out Katrina-Devastated Elementary School


WICHITA FALLS, TX—During Hurricane Katrina, St. Clare Elementary School in Waveland, MS, was flattened to its foundation and classes were cancelled indefinitely. Thanks to ABB, however, the school received 18 completely assembled circuit breaker panels, which are critical to get the air conditioning, heating and lighting systems functioning properly within each of the Quonset huts where classes will be held.

John Zimmerman, a local ABB OEM and school board representative, received a request for monetary donations from St. Clare School. Even though the request asked for monetary donations, Zimmerman hoped that material donations could be provided by ABB to help power up the temporary classrooms. "We realized that donating materials, rather than money, would meet an immediate, physical need," says Steve Goble, VP of marketing for ABB Low Voltage Products & Systems. The school re-opened November 1, 2005.

ABB continues to provide a hotline for customers dealing with the storm's aftermath. ABB Help Desk employees are available from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The toll-free number will help ABB bring its complete product and service offering to each customer's unique emergency needs. The number is 877/511-4222.

For more information, visit www.abb.com.

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