
Digital Magazine

TLMI Announces Eugene Singer Award Winners

GLOUCESTER, MA | The Tag and Label Mfrs. Inst.(TLMI) recently announced the winners of the prestigious Eugene Singer Award for Management Excellence. Considered one of TLMI’s highest honors, this award recognizes excellence in business management measured and defined by an established set of growth and profitability ratios through the participation in the TLMI Management Ratio Study.

The Singer Award is given annually to four narrow web converting companies; each company within a certain sales range category. The 2010 TLMI Eugene Singer Awards were given to the following companies at the association’s recent Converter Meeting in Palm Springs, CA:

• Centennial, CO-based Columbine Label Co. won in the small company category for the first time. The small company category is defined by annual sales of less than $6 million.
 • Fairfield, OH-based Kopco Graphics, won for the mid-range company category, defined by sales of $6  million to $14 million. This is Kopco’s third TLMI Eugene Singer Award.
 • Aurora, IL-based The Label Printers won for the medium company category, defined by sales of $15 million  to $35 million. This is The Label Printer’s second Eugene Singer Award.
 • Longwood, FL-based Consolidated Label won for the large company category defined by sales greater than $35 million. This is Consolidated Label’s ninth Eugene Singer Award.

TLMI President, Frank Sablone, comments, “TLMI would like to congratulate this year’s Eugene Singer Award Winners. The association’s converter members continue to realize the benefit of participating in the TLMI Ratio Study, and the tangible ongoing value the study provides to their businesses and to their business planning strategies. TLMI is honored to be able to continue to provide this service to our converter members.”

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