
Digital Magazine

Avery Dennison Gives Online Advice


LEIDEN, THE NETHERLANDS | The Label and Packaging Materials division of Avery Dennison Corp. has launched a global Designer Showcase that features insights, examples, and personal stories about packaging and design from some of the world’s leading designers and design school students.

“Designers visiting the Designer Showcase will discover packaging tips and new materials that can enhance their label designs and increase their impact on customers,” says Jon Maley, global VP of marketing, Label and Packaging Materials. “The new site reflects [our] belief that designers and design firms deeply influence the way consumers think about and experience brands.

”Avery Dennison already plays a role in the design ecosystem–from design student, to design agency, to manufacturing to shelf, and finally to home,” Maley adds. “With the Designer Showcase, we can increasingly leverage designer creativity with our own…technical expertise to bring great packaging designs to market.”

Each month a different designer, design firm and set of students will be showcased on the site.


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